Detoxing is our specialty.
An IV detox can refresh our cells to some extent, by providing the critical vitamins and nutrients to help them in their struggle to detox.
However, a proper cellular detox only happens via our autophagy mechanism, as it's only when our bodies go into cleaning and repair mode (autophagy) that significant detoxing actually happens. But, somewhat inconveniently, intensive autophagy only occurs in response to fasting.
On our detoxing site, lucidbalidetox we have a lot more information, and we offer effective and affordable detox programs. Our 2-day detox program is a serious detox, yet not hard to do. This IV detox is included in this program.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps relieve our bodies of the oxidative stress that damages our cells. It is also a building block of our immune system.
B-Complex is excellent for overall cellular health and helps cell development and function.
Glutathione is a potent antioxidant, and the litre of IV fluid ensures general hydration while especially helping the quality of our skin.